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Rumor: Treyarch is testing a new CoD: Iron Wolf?

A few hours is going around the net a rumor very unusual se7ensins a forum user and his friend were among the list of their friends list Xbox 360 gamertag some developers, Treyarch. Looking through the tabs of the latter, the two users have noticed that one of these developers was playing a multiplayer deathmatch mode on a map belonging to an unknown game also unknown named "Iron Wolf". It could be a new title tied to the series in development at Treyarch CoD?

What catches the eye is another small detail: the very low score of who plays the title supposed to think that we would really belong to a developer, they usually test the products still have no objectives to unlock, so the fact that the gamescore reported is only 50 would lead us to give a touch of credibility to the whole. Should it be found false the whole question, who put at stake the scene has already thought of that painstaking detail, as well as to make the images very true, we'll see how the issue will evolve.