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THQ officially announces the new Saints Row: The Third

After various speculations have emerged in recent months and the first artwork that appeared on the network, THQ has finally made public the development of the new Saints Row: The Third. The game will be available during the coming holiday season on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC and will feature the 3rd Street Saints and a new band, known as the Syndicate. The product will be cared for, once again, by the talented guys from Volition and will spare no underworld to propose missions to the fans as is the tradition of the brand.

As reported by Danny Bilson, THQ, Saints Row: The Third will make us feel a sense of being a real mob boss right from the opening scenes of the game. The missions are very articulate, it will not be delivering pizzas or simply hire people for unnecessary tasks but on the contrary, we will live all those situations that will lead us to the total power of the Third Street Saints. Many details of the product will be supplied from the April issue of Game Informer article that will bring exclusive and, of course, we'll share with you as soon as they are made public.