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Catherine: Rapunzel and mini-game in video Jukebox

The official website of Catherine has been updated with two videos on two aspects of the game: the mini-game "Rapunzel" and the Jukebox. "Rapunzel" is a cabin on the premises accessible arcade game in which we find a title style 8-bit Catherine follows the same levels of puzzles, having to climb a tower to reach a princess at the top, pushing blocks to form steps.

In the jukebox instead we will be able to listen to the soundtrack of the game, as we listen to some tracks taken from Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona Portable, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne and Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2. Recall that Catherine will be released in Japan on February 25: We leave you with this video.

Catherine - Rapunzel
Catherine - Jukebox