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Microsoft: the hardcore gamers will drive the Kinect

E3, Microsoft revealed the line-up launch Kinect, the new motion sensor for Xbox 360, showing only games for casual gamers except perhaps that it could also Dance Central Dance Dance Revolution fans in search new experiences of dance. It seems then that Redmond will initially sell the device and play only the people of casual gamers: the company instead will rely on the very hardcore gamers.

The director of marketing for Microsoft, Ryan More, has told CVG that sales of the device will be driven by hardcore gamers, superappassionati players who will not hesitate to put their wallets while you have the latest technological trinket.

More further explained that, conscious of this, will try to release the launch titles for the device also Kinect that may please the more experienced players, saying that over the Christmas period there will be different. We therefore expect that even more jobs from more hardcore-oriented titles for the launch of Kinect? Surely we know that one of them will be Fable III, which will support the optional: we'll see if it will be announced in the coming months than others.

What do you think, make Kinect at launch?