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MCV: The celebrities advertise Natal

According to the English site dedicated to the videogame MCV, for the launch of Natal (which are not yet known the final name), Microsoft will use marketing techniques similar to those used by Nintendo for Wii and DS. In particular, it seems that Redmond will carry out the commercials with celebrities testimonial for television or film, in addition to publishing advertisements in magazines for gamers typically do not like fashion magazines and gossip.

Natal is in essence a response to the Wii market to attack the super-casual, so a similar approach to marketing was taken for granted, as well as the type of games (or "non-games" as some call them) that in all likely to accompany the device: get ready for a flood of clones of Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit and the rest. But hardcore gamers do not fear: for those not accustomed to this kind of "entertainment", you can simply ignore such evidence as the games classic joypad to go out and continue to be fully supported by Microsoft.