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The date of Halo American Legends, info on the contents

Microsoft has announced the date when Halo Legends will be released on U.S. soil, the collection of 7 animated episodes that tell the story of the Halo universe: on 16 February. The episodes will be distributed on Blu-Ray, in the standard version limited to a single DVD and special version with 2 DVDs. While waiting to know when these beautiful souls will be released in European shops, leave you to the list of extras contained in the box with the Blu-Ray and in the special with the 2 DVDs.

  • An introduction to Halo Legends followed by making-of segments for each epsodio
  • Halo: Gaming Evolved - The story of the Halo phenomenon from birth to the emergence of gaming as a product a real franchise
  • Audio commentary with directors Frank O'Connor and Joseph Chou
  • A widescreen version of the animated film (1.78:1)
  • The Story so Far - A summary of the Halo trilogy (the latter only Blu-Ray)