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PAYDAY 3: the Closed Beta is coming through the Xbox Insider app

Deep Silver and Starbreeze announced today that the Closed Beta of PAYDAY 3, the new cooperative heist-themed shooter coming September 21, included in the Game Pass, will be held from August 2-7; anyone who wants to participate will be able to do so by signing up directly from their Xbox via the Xbox Insider Hub app.

The PAYDAY 3 Closed Beta will contain:

  • The original gang: Dallas, Hoxton, Chains and Wolf. The iconic clown-masquerading characters that made the PAYDAY franchise famous are all playable, each with their own unique abilities.
  • No rest for the wicked, a classic heist that will give players the goal of stealing all the cash from the vault of a small bank. Heisters can choose to act stealthily, without anyone noticing anything, or to do things as loudly as possible, to really feel like a robbery in New York.
  • All difficulties will be playable, the level cap corresponds to Infamy level 22 and Weapon Upgrade Level is 8.

If you are interested in the title and want to try it in advance, you just have to sign up and play it next week!