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Announced After Us, a fascinating platforming adventure from Spain

Private Division and the Spanish studio Piccolo Studio have announced the platforming adventure After Us, coming to Xbox Series X|S in spring 2023 and which will see us impersonate Gaia, the spirit of life, in an abstract world to save the souls of extinct animals. The game is characterized by a very fascinating artistic design, as you can see from the trailer below.

Here is the official information, the announcement trailer and a set of images.

Explore every corner of a surreal world devoid of humanity, and give Earth a second chance in this poignant story of sacrifice and hope.

Play as Gaia, the Spirit of Life, and traverse an abstract world of incredible platform environments to save the souls of extinct animals. Revive these creatures after discovering their fate: the last harpooned whale, the last eagle in a cage, the last deer shot down and many more. Survive encounters with the dangerous oil-covered Edaci who roam these wastelands in search of life.

In this exciting journey, conceived by the creators of the acclaimed Arise: A Simple Story, only you can bring life back to the planet.

Main features:

  • Gaia's journey: The last animals have died and Mother has used all her life force to save their souls, now trapped in receptacles. Gaia's goal is to free souls and bring them back to Mother's Ark. Gaia's abilities will allow you to glide, jump and shoot to explore new areas and escape deadly traps, while her special gifts will give you the power to rid the world of the oil that is consuming it, face the ravenous Edaci and free souls.
  • A vast surreal world: observe through Gaia's eyes a desolate environment, mirror of the destructive relationship between humans and nature, in a splendid demonstration of abstract art. From dying forests to the heart of ruined cities, through dried seabeds and polluted skies, each environment will reserve Gaia new challenges and reveal the repercussions of the trail of destruction left by the Aedaci, to which she will respond by spreading life and beauty.
  • A story of contrasts: After Us offers a dark vision of a world devastated by the impact of the human race. As you guide Gaia's light through this world, you will discover what caused this apocalypse and the role of the Edaci in extinction, but also their desire for progress, love and hope.
MX Video - After Us