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The hint of a new Splinter Cell peeps into the official merchandise

For years now there has been talk of a new Splinter Cell,with rumours chasing each other from the most disparate sources but without a new episode ever being officially confirmed. Now, however, comes the one that comes closest to an official confirmation: on the website GameStop USA has been added the page for a toy replica of Sam Fisher's viewer, but it brings with it an interesting information.

The product description reads "For the first time since the arrival of Splinter Cell in 2002, after nine AAA best-selling titles and with a tenth title on the horizon,this is your first chance to own Sam Fisher's headset."

The description would then seem to confirm the next arrival of an additional title, although there is one mistake: the Splinter Cell games released so far are 7 and not 9. It is also to be said that Ubisoft recently hinted at possible future developments in the Stealth series, but explained that it would also evaluate new avenues and ways of proposing it, so it is not excluded that, if a new game is in development, it is not something with a range of scope more limited as a mobile or VR title.

As with all the rumors about Splinter Cell so far, we just have to hope that it comes true and that we can sooner or later crawl back into the shadows as Sam Fisher!