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Even Rocket League breaks down barriers between consoles and activates the cross-play

After Fortnite , another popular title embraces the full cross-play across platforms, allowing Xbox gamers, PlayStation, Switch, and PC to play with each other: this is the car Rocket League football, which has just updated allowing players to create custom games across platforms.

Soon the game will also be updated to further introduce the full cross-platform matchmaking when it should already be available cross-group chat system.

In the past the cross-play between consoles was only possible between Xbox One and Switch, because Sony insisted on avoiding contacts of their players with those of other platforms; However, the company was forced to change its policy when, with the arrival of the cross-play between Xbox One and Switch to Fortnite , numerous players have discovered that it could not play on those systems if before they had played on PS4, subissando la casa Japanese requests and forcing his hand. So it seems that Sony is not related only to the opening title Epic Games and that, little by little, other games will adopt the cross-play. We are moving to a next-gen which will finally torn down the barriers between consoles? We hope so.