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Square Enix unveils the third Target Elusive Hitman is Prince

Square Enix has recently revealed the third Target Elusive of Hitman , the video game dedicated to the famous Agent 47 released on Playstation 4 Xbox One the scorso11 March: this is " the Prince ", available in the city of wisdom for Sun 72 hours, starting at 15.00 hours on Wednesday 8 June .

Waiting for the movie dedicated to this third Target elusive, which as usual will I be released the same day that the target will be available, please remember the details to consider before proceeding to the mission:

  • The lens will be available until 15.00 (CET) on Saturday 11 June
  • The lens can be deleted once
  • You will have a few more: planning is essential
  • If you get killed during the game is over
  • The expiration of the time available, "the Prince" will disappear forever
  • If you fail, you don't get a second chance
  • In summary, there is granted one occasion!

We leave you now with the image dedicated to new victim ended up in the crosshairs of Agent 47!