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The Battlefield 1 announce trailer breaks all records like on YouTube

The new trailer for Battlefield 1 advertisement, which we present anew in depth news, has just passed the million like on YouTube marking a real record for a videogame trailer. This fact alone makes it clear how the path chosen by SAYS war is very welcome for the new FPS players.

Many also cannot help but notice how the announce trailer of Call of Duty: Endless Warfare has almost the same number of "I don't like it", which though Activision says little worried, as even the announce trailer of Black Ops II had collected the largest number of I don't like ever had from a trailer series but then the game turned out to be the most sold the franchise.

However good news for DICE and EA, which bodes well for the commercial success of the title. Please note that Battlefield 1 will be released on October 21 the PS4 Xbox One.

MX Video - Battlefield 1