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343 shows us two terminals from Halo 2 Anniversary

343 Industries offers us today of new material relating to The Halo Master Chief Collection and more precisely to the terminals of Halo 2 Anniversary. In the video we are going to propose there shows a preview of Terminal 2 in the new remastered version of Halo 2. For the uninitiated, the terminals are devices hidden within each level of the campaign, which, once found, they'll start a movie that will show us the ins and outs of the game's plot.

The first terminal that we propose is called Beholden and will show "a small reconnaissance team sent by the Prophet of Regret to retrieve an artifact that could, finally, indicate the via sacra of Halo." . In the second one, named Unyielding, we can see "the spartan Fred-104, Linda-058, which are called to Naval Intelligence collection to be updated on their assault against Covenant and to find out the meaning of this struggle for humanity.

Good vision.

MX Video - Halo: The Master Chief Collection