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The new episode of Sunset TV talks about traps and wall running

In this umpteenth episode of TV dedicated to the sizzling Sunset Sunset Overdrive focus was turned to two important aspects of the title: piazzabili traps by the player and the wall running. We see how it is possible to combine the various traps issued by us on the ground, thus creating devastating knock-on effects; noteworthy is also a bizarre type of automatic turret that you can place in strategic locations, which will become more and more powerful as they shall reap victims within its range.

Regarding the wall running, it was explained that the wall race performed by the character will stop only when the entire wall will be covered. Once you have reached the end of this, the player can choose to let go, make a jump to the opposite ledge or literally turn the corner and continue the movement on the adjacent wall. We leave you to your movie. good vision.

MX Video - Sunset Overdrive