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A clothing line for assassins Creed

Also the eye wants its part, an assassin to gorno today must have a certain style, maybe this the thought passed through my head with Musterbrand designers who have decided to dedicate a collection of garments to the successful series of video game Assassin's Creed.

In collaboration with Ubisoft, Musterbrand gives us 11 chapters ranging from t-shirts, cardigans and sweatshirts to until you get to the wonderful AC coat DNA COAT.

Virginie Sergent, Director Consumer Products from Ubisoft claimed to be truly proud of the partnership with the fashion house and that the essence of brand Assassin's Creed was caught to perfection. Very satisfied even the CEO of Knut Bergel Musterbrand that defines this as the best collection of articles dedicated to a game they have ever done.

At this link you can take a look and maybe choose some gifts for Christmas.