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Blizzard reveals the 28° Overwatch hero: Wrecking Ball

Blizzard today announced the 28° hero, as well as the sixth tank, Overwatch : Wrecking Ball , an enterprising engineer with significant mechanical skills that rolls around the world looking for the next challenge to overcome. More specifically, we are talking about a ... hamster, so adorable how lethal!

To follow all the details on Wrecking Ball released by developers.


Wrecking Ball

Real name:





Mech pilot, mechanic

Base of operations:

Lunar colony Horizon (above), Junkertown (previous)




"Don't make me angry Hamster".
During one of the many experiments conducted in the Lunar Colony Horizon, some animals suffered genetic therapies to establish their ability to adapt to prolonged periods of permanence in the Lunar environment. For an unexpected side effect, some of them developed exceptional growth, physical and mental. Although many of the subjects were gorilla and other primates, there were exceptions, including a hamster named Hammond.

As for many others, the intelligence of Hammond increased, prompting him to become curious and exploring the world around him. With great amusement and confusion of the scientists, Hammond ran away frequently, hiding in the Moonbase. Although it was always found and returned to its cage, scientists were never able to understand why these nocturnal escapades. What they didn't know is that Hammond was learning to become a mechanic, which soon would have been useful.

The colony descended into chaos when some gorilla rebelled against human scientists, taking control of the base. Not all animals joined the uprising and one of the gorilla, Winston, escaped to Earth. Hammond did not miss the opportunity: after building a makeshift escape pod, linked to sneak to the ship of Winston before takeoff. After entering the Earth's atmosphere, Hammond dropped, landing in the desolation of the Australian Outback.

Hammond changed its escape capsule to enter the lucrative world of Gladiator battles between robots in the dump. Climbing the rankings, Wrecking Ball from contestant became champion, although the identity of the pilot always remained a mystery. With money winnings, Hammond was able to strengthen his mech enough to survive the perilous crossing of the Outback controlled by Junker.

Is now free to travel the world and explore it in search of new adventures.



Automatic assault weapons.


Turns into a ball and increases the maximum speed of movement.


Launches a claw that allows you to swing. Enable high-speed collisions that damage enemies, knocking them away.


Place a large number of proximity mines.


Create personal temporary shields in proportion to the number of enemies nearby.


Crashes to the ground damaging enemies and knocking them back up.


The mechanical capability of Wrecking Ball and its sturdy mech make it a formidable tank, able to roll on face enemy, seeding then the chaos behind. Its main weapon, Quadricannoni , consists of two twin machine guns able to tear apart the enemy. No team is too powerful for Wrecking Ball and its Adaptive Shield , which raises health depending on the number of nearby enemies. This shield makes it incredibly difficult to kill when you throw in the fight and, when health begins to decline, the provides the necessary resistance to escape. Rolling ability allows him to portray the mechanical limbs of the mech, turning it into a ball that is proceeding at high speed. No obstacles can hamper Wrecking Ball when he uses Rampone , a short-range abilities which can engage the surrounding environment to overcome gaps and turn around corners crash-landing enemies. Rampone allows a Wrecking Ball to reach maximum speed and hit enemies, inflicting heavy damage and knocking them away. In the air, the ability of the mech shooting star makes a Wrecking Ball crashing to the ground and dismiss top enemies hit by area effect.

The Ultra by Wrecking Ball is Minefield , which launches a large number of mines on the ground able to inflict considerable damage to enemies that trigger.


Sixth tank of Overwatch, Wrecking Ball is able to disturb the enemies and engage the rear, eliminating opponents more vulnerable left without protection. Excels in disturbing the ranking opponent with rolling and shooting star, and represents a serious threat with its Quadricannoni able to tear apart most important enemies.

Wrecking Ball can start fighting anytime rolling toward the enemy team and enabling Adaptive Shield, which makes it more difficult to eliminate as many enemies as he has around him. If a collision does not turn in his favor, Wrecking Ball can easily escape through Rampone, with which it can "swing" to a position of safety. Minefield prevents enemies from reaching a specific place, but it can also be issued above them, dealing damage to all enemies concentrates gathered in one place. Wrecking Ball can also able to travel over the enemies with spiked bumper, raining Minesweeper mines above them and finendoli with shooting star, able to push opponents towards the mines.

We leave you with two videos in Italian: in the first we discover the origins of ingenious mechanic, in the second game Director Jeff Kaplan presents in more detail the 28° hero of Overwatch . Good vision!

MX Video - Overwatch