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Microsoft: Phantom Dust original graphics of the first Xbox, will not a remaster

When Microsoft announced the arrival of a Xbox One version of Phantom Dust original of the first Xbox, many have talked about so far as a remaster, a game that while maintaining the basic title would have had some graphic improvements to make it more palatable to modern palates.

In the recent post in which he spoke of the Xbox lineup of 2017, however, Phil Spencer spoke of the game in these terms: " fans of the Xbox game Phantom Dust are waiting for the first of the New Edition of the classic original with support Play Anywhere and cross-play as well as improvements in balance and in frame rate" .

The careful use of the word " revival " and the fact that Spencer sued him among the improvements the only frame rates put a flea in her ear to the fans, that going to comb through the history of the ad they exhumed a tweet of the Chief of Microsoft Studios Shannon Loftis, who already during this past E3 stated that the game will have the same graphics and the same rendering engine of the original title.

It is good so keep in mind that with Phantom Dust we are therefore faced with a situation similar to the titles in the collection Rare Replay : no graphical improvements, but obviously everything is rendered in 1080 p.