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Xbox One: clarification on friends list and communicate with Xbox 360

In the same article by IGN in which has been clarified to remove Kinect for Xbox One , Marc Whitten has also clarified some issues related to the interactions between users on the new console and those on Xbox 360. Whitten confirmed that in friends list will be able to have players with the Xbox 360, with a chance to see their online status on the "old" console while they will see us online on Xbox One, seeing maybe we're playing to Ryse.

The friends list will then be unified between the two systems, but as on Xbox One you may have many more friends of 100 Xbox 360 's, when there loggheremo on the latter we will show a subset of these giving priority to those who are our friends on Xbox 360.

Concerning the communication between the two systems, Whitten explained, however, that voice chat will not be possible due to a number of technical reasons, first of all the different broadband audio codec employed by new console to provide clearer voice communications. However, can exchange text messages between the two systems, then will remain some possibility of communication between the two worlds.